One of the many reasons why I love Starbucks – I’ve got their napkins to count on!

My head generates ideas most of the time. At times it gets a little more active and effective than any other times. And when such moment comes I would usually not let the idea escape the day without jotting it down on a piece of paper.

Well, I have a habit of putting down my scribbles no matter how raw they may be on a napkin. I write, draw, sketch and wipe my mouth with napkins. I have tried it before using different types of napkin at different cafes and restaurants. And Starbucks takes the lead. Besides loving the drinks, environment and people there, their durable napkins are just so inspiring!

I must admit I do use white napkins as loo papers sometimes (opps!) but not with Starbucks, though.

Do you write on napkins too? Free to share your story. 🙂